About Creative Curriculum

 What is Creative Curriculums

Creative curriculum is the latest method and strategy approach for early childhood education.
The curriculum is to utilize the environment to optimize Learning for Children

The Philosophy behind it is that young children learn best by doing. The creative curriculum believe that learning is not just about repeating what adult says but it also required active thinking. At the golden ages from 0 to 6, 80% of the human brain is growing. That’s why the young children is very curious! The young children need the method to develop their brain to be active! They need experimenting, observing and find out how the things work and the connection between one things to another.

Creative curriculum will encourage children to be creative explorer, Independent, self confident and inquisitive learner.

In the early year, the children will explore by using all their 5 senses, they touch, they taste, they smell and they look. As the children play and use the toys and material or exploring the classroom, garden and even their classmate, the teachers in creative curriculum are not only observing them. We do observation and also talk to them. We want to find out what their thinking, what they planning to do, and discus with them about the thing to stimulate their brain to thinking.

For example when children playing in the garden and see something interesting, the teacher will observe firs what they want to do, and after that the teachers starting a discussion to stimulate the children to express their feel and idea.


Teachers (T): owh. You see something on the flowers, can you tell me what it is?
Child (C): it’s a Bug
T: How many bugs do you see there?
C: There are two bugs
T: what are the bug’s colors?
C: They are red
T: What are they doing there?
C: I think they are hungry and they want to eat the flowers

From this little conversation, the children already learn many concept of learning like a language (animal and insect names), Math (counting the bugs), Cultural (Express the colors of the bugs) and Science (Biology = bugs eat leaves and flowers)

It also increases their vocabulary and speaking skill to express their own idea and feelings.

The creative curriculum also encourages the children with character building, manners and good habits with many dramatic plays, games and materials.


The most important goal of our early childhood is to help children become enthusiastic learners.  This means encouraging children to be active and creative explorers who are not afraid to try out their ideas and to think their own thoughts. Our goal is to help children become independent, self-confident, inquisitive learners.  Creative curriculums are teaching them how to learn, not just in preschool, but all through their lives.  

Creative curriculums are allowing them to learn at their own pace and in the ways that are best for them.  We are giving them good habits and attitudes, particularly a positive sense of themselves, which will make a difference throughout their lives.

Curriculums area :

  • Social/Emotional Development - connecting with others motivating children to learn and providing them with a sense of who they are in the world.

  • Cognitive Development – supporting the way children think and develop.

  • Language Development - understanding and communication through words both spoken and written.

  • Physical Development – facilitating children’s gradual control over their large and small muscles. Learning to work cooperatively in small groups to reach developmental milestones and school readiness through exploration and experimentation in our various learning centers.

  • Creative Arts – teaching texture, color, design, motor control and promoting creative expression.

  • Library and Language – providing experiences which enhance vocabulary, listening and writing skills and early reading.

  • Math and Manipulatives – introducing problem solving, patterning, number concepts, order and fine muscle coordination.

  • Sensory Wet and Dry – encouraging children to explore a variety of substances using their senses and enhancing math and science experiences.

  • Block Building – promoting learning of shapes, dimension, size, balance, construction and encourages cooperative play and creativity.

  • Music and Movement – offering creative experiences, teaching melody and developing large motor skills.

  • Science and Discovery - it’s all about the world around us!!  Providing opportunities that will spark a child’s curiosity and wonder.

  • The Creative Curriculum all ages..

    Infat and Toddlers

    The infant and toddler will expose the environment that is reach in language and movement for their development. The creative curriculum will develop their 5 senses, language, and physical, encourage them to ready to move, talk, walk and explore. This is the foundation to develop children curiosity, cognitive motor and social skill.


    The creative curriculums aims for Nursery is for children to know who they are, they feel , sense of belonging and sharing to develop their confidence and knowledge with more conversation and use of language.  The creative curriculum develop the character and positive attitude, making more exploration and activities to stimulate and reflects the child interest. The creative curriculum for nursery is more stimulating, challenging and cheerful environment for the child.


    As the children turn 4, many parents are worried about their child preparation to elementary regarding speaking, writing and reading skill. The goals of Creative Curriculum for Kindergarten are to make smoother transition to Grade 1 or elementary school. The aims are to improve the children prospect to success in school and social community. The creative curriculum consist the balance of exploration, investigation, guide instruction and inquisitive session to build exiting knowledge, understanding and problem solving.  The creative curriculum also focusing on Readiness Skill for Elementary such as Writing, Reading and Basic Math with fun, challenging and not frustrating way. 


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